Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Do we really need the noise?
Friday, 1 April 2016
Of moms and daughters in law
This is what runs in your mind when you read one too many blog posts about mom / daughter in law relations and also keep reading about 'leaning in'. The whole idea of 'lean in' is bent on women supporting women and both getting ahead, rather than women competing with women, especially for getting share of a man's mind.
If, for one day, all moms, daughters and sisters in law decided to support and stand by each other, it might even turn into a maternal dominated society overnight. Why do the wife and mother have to compete for getting attention from the husband / son? On a different note, if a man's wife and mother spoke the same language, he would be very happy. In fact, he would hardly have an option other than to comply. This may however, be difficult for a generation of ma in laws which has seen a different environment since their childhood and has been conditioned to treat their daughters in law in the same manner that their ma in laws treated them.
If the change were to start by the current generation who has a son, and if this whole generation of mothers in law, daughters in law and sisters in law collaborated instead of competing, we may be headed for a society where the crimes against women would go down significantly. And this doesn't need much, except for the will to do it.
And what are the cons? Some TV serials may not remain relevant anymore, but that's not much to give, is it? I'm actually reminded of a past TV serial called 'tu-tu, main-main', showing a different kind of MIL - DIL relationship. It showed the two having constant differences of opinion among themselves, but fiercely defending each other against anyone else. That's probably where the ideal ground lies.
Monday, 21 March 2016
A post about love (!!!)
But that doesn't mean I haven't had those feelings....hell, yeah I have. The wonderful thing about love is that it is capable of dominating bloody well all other feelings. I have experienced love to completely overcome fear. It can make you forget that this would be a situation in which normal people (read, those who have grown out of love) may experience fear.
Friday, 11 March 2016
The 'Sun-lighter' side of life.....
You can see the sun in here and actually feel its heat. But the heatwave can also strike with a vengeance as if saying 'Coming from the land of rain, huh?.......now take this.....'. For at least a month since we landed, my nearly six year old limited her world to the AC room with a working remote.
Practically any grocery item needed can be found out of the society gate. But the heat makes you unwilling to walk to get grocery anyway.
Point to point distance can be reached with a means cheaper than a taxi. But sometimes, you are thankful you were able to get down in one piece from that 'means'.
Envelopes, glue stick, all available at your doorstep. But postal stamps can be secured only from the post office and must be posted in the boxes outside the post office. No post boxes can be found at a walking distance and if you do find one, you're told the post is going to stay inside the box forever.
You could travel in a local train past four stations for INR10 (EUR0.14) V/s EUR5. But god save you if you don't know which side you need to alight from.
You now have someone do your dishes for you. But promotions and bonus, all expected within a month, since its Diwali!
You now know who lives next door....but the twin kids next door can ring the doorbell (and at least thrice) anytime and hop in to disturb your kid's study.
Relatives / friends are now a local phone call away, but welcome to the land of no response to professional e-mails.
The language is of course, 'aapni', but the general mind set might sometimes feel like the square peg in the round hole, whose edges are being "filed" to suit the requirements of the hole.
Contradictions aside, it probably is the destiny of the ice to melt in its own water (Swades of course) and to be "unmade" in India!